Monday, November 30, 2015

using the COPY command in psql client (postgresql)

Useful to export/import data

Here is the syntax for COPY, as returned by the 8.3 client:
db=# \h COPY
Command:     COPY
Description: copy data between a file and a table
COPY tablename [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
    FROM { 'filename' | STDIN }
    [ [ WITH ] 
          [ BINARY ]
          [ OIDS ]
          [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ]
          [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ]
          [ CSV [ HEADER ]
                [ QUOTE [ AS ] 'quote' ] 
                [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'escape' ]
                [ FORCE NOT NULL column [, ...] ]

COPY { tablename [ ( column [, ...] ) ] | ( query ) }
    TO { 'filename' | STDOUT }
    [ [ WITH ] 
          [ BINARY ]
          [ OIDS ]
          [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ]
          [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ]
          [ CSV [ HEADER ]
                [ QUOTE [ AS ] 'quote' ] 
                [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'escape' ]
                [ FORCE QUOTE column [, ...] ]

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