Sunday, November 29, 2015

Re Blog - Remove the Endnote Separator Line in Word 2013

I finally found a way to remove the annoying end note separator (line) in Word 2013

It was here:

  1. Go to View->Draft
  2. References->Show Footnotes
  3. Delete the footnote separator

Remove the Endnote Separator Line in Word 2013

Follow these steps to remove the Endnote separator line in Word 2013.
  1. Below is an example of an endnote separator line. (Below the words "Human Resources") *Note the endnotes are in green.

  2. Select the View tab. From the Views group, select Draft.

  3. To display the Endnote options, select the Reference tab, and then "Show Notes" from the Footnotes group.


  4. From the Endnotes drop-down box, select "Endnote Separator".  Select the separator line and press your delete key.


  5. Switch back to Page Layout view and note that the separator line has been deleted.


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